Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Revolutionary Road

Amazing psychodrama. What would happen to you if you bought into the theory or thought that life has to end in the suburbs and you have to 'settle down?" Some of us might commit suicide while others of us may try and escape to a place where we can "feel alive" again and truly "experience life" on all that it is supposed to be. What is next for us all? Life? Living? Depression? Isn't it wonderful to be able to say what is on your mind all of the time than wrestle with your emotions to save face? I think so. Go and see this movie is you are a citizen of the world and have a need for clarity in your life. Do not wait and do not collect $200 dollars when you pass go this time around. Get yourself to the movies and see Revolutionar Road. You will not be sorry.

I truly enjoyed the struggle of the man with his temptations both physical and inhis career. Although Kate Winslet will be up for an Academy Award for her performance as the troubled housewife, Leonardo DiCaprio performan an equally compelling role as the perplexed husband wanting to provide for his family while working with the boys cluib at work. Bravo to both!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Tutto Il Giorno, Sag Harbor

Upon a second visit to this Sag Harbor village gem, I felt the need to put fingers to keys and pen a review for all to know. Driving north on Rt. 114 from East Hampton to Sag Harbor, you pass miles and acres of farm land, pine trees and homes, mostly empty because of the weather and time of year. When you arrive in Sag Harbor, just over the hill into town, you notice Christmas tree decorations, movement and the hope of some kind of human activity. We found this activity at Tutto Il Giorno on the Eve of New Year's Eve.

I noticed the lights on the sign hanging on the front of the building and said to Guy, "MAKE A LEFT!" We turned around and made our way to a welcoming sight; people laughing, a roaring fireplace and a few friendly faces who would bring us wonderful food and wine during the next ninety minutes.

Dinner started with rock shrimp and calamari lightly fried with a marinara dipping sauce and beef carpaccio with caper berries, cheese crisp and shredded zucchini. Entrees included grilled swordfish with caramelized cauliflower and micro greens and the wonderful rigatoni with sweet sauce, peas, carrots in a light red sauce. Yummy. Dessert complimented the meal with a light, fluffy pana cotta served coated with raspberry sauce and chiffonade of fresh mint. Yummy. Find this place and go. TAKE US WITH YOU!

Happy New Year!

From Mr. B in NYC!